Pati at A Crafty Escape is so nice. She gave me this lovely Versatile Blogger award. Thanks, Pati.

1. Thank the person who gave you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic! (in no particular order...)
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.
7 Things about me:
1. The name on my birth certificate is Merryl. :)
2. I love bad horror movies-the dopier it is, the happier I am.
3. I don't have a green thumb so having pity for the plants I don't garden. If someone gives us a houseplant as a gift, straightaway DH and the kids start guessing how long it will take me to kill it. (Really, one week is a bit ridiculous-one month is much more realistic.)
4. My favorite food is cheese!
5. I like cooking...
6. I love baking...
7. I hate housework! Laundry is the bane of my life.
Now I've come to the hard part...15 versatile bloggers! Just 15...impossible! So all you versatile bloggers out there just help yourselves to this award. Let me know and I'll link back to you here on my blog...I'd love to know 7 more things about you!
A lovely quiltfinish Miri and congrats on the award..
Anything to do with quilts, I love. Drop by my place for another award.
I like your 9 patch. Interesting layout.
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