My cousin Diane, her friend and I went to out to Salem to the beautiful Peabody Essex Museum to view the wonderful Chinese house there. This house was completely dismantled and reassembled with all the family's belongings! Its simply wonderful. I don't know if I'll ever get to China but I now feel that I've taken a step in Chinese History.
You can view the house on-line here with wonderful explanations.

I also did half of the Freedom Trail...why only half of a walk that is really not very long-well, I kept stopping into all the museums along the way including the Old State House.
And I've got a complaint! :) They had Paul Revere silver pieces on display and they were tarnished-tarnished black! Really!

I also spent a long time in the fascinating Granary Burial Ground. Reading the tombstones was just so interesting as was looking at the skeleton/angel heads and noting when the change came about. (Sorry no pictures-these pix are all from the web-I didn't bring my little camera with me this trip.)
John Hancock, Paul Revere and Samuel Adams are all buried here as well as the five victims of the Boston Massacre so when visiting Boston I definitely recommend leaving enough time on the Freedom Trail to stop and stroll through.

I definitely plan on finishing the trail-I've still got lots of time-I already have my ticket to the Paul Revere House!
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