Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Vintage Thursday Thingie: 1950s-crystal jewelry and a very weird commercial

Today is Thursday and that means Vintage Thursday Thingie, hosted by Coloradolady. Don't forget to check out the vintage treasures waiting for you there but first...

This is a crystal necklace and clip-on earrings set from the 1950s that were my Mom's.
Scary marketing strategy in this 1950s commercial but check out the woman's outfit! Hmm, think she could be wearing a crystal necklace and earrings....No, probably pearls!


Susan said...

Is she blonde or what?!! Even back then they had to know that wasn't safe. I sure hope she got paid enough to pay for the medical bills.
Love your mother's crystal set. I could see me wearing that today.

Julia said...

Beautiful set Miri..
I would wear that today too...
Julia ♥

Postcardy said...

I suppose they considered the small amount of radiation to be safe, but I bet they didn't remove all of it.

That jewelry would be pretty for a holiday party.

Jane said...

That commercial was definitely playing on the fears of that era. What I loved was the dressing table and outfit that she had on to put on her cold my bathroom mirror and sweat shirt!!

concretenprimroses said...

I think they really didn't know how dangerous it was. We used to play with mercury in science class in gradeschool, for example.
Beautiful necklace.
I just gave a niece some costume jewelry that belonged to my great grandmother. Wish I'd taken pics!

LV said...

It was a big thing years back to wear this type of jewelry. You still see a lot in the stores today. Yours is very pretty and a real keepsake.

Maureen said...

Lovely jewels!

Atomic test booklet? Well that's just wacky

CC said...

I love the crystal's gorgeous. But that commercial..that is scary...but her outfits were pretty. hmmmmmm, wonder what ding bat thought to do that commercial??
Happy VTT..have a great day.

★Carol★ said...

Who knew we had so much radioactive gunk on our faces?! Love that crystal set. I would proudly wear that any day!
Happy VTT!

Unknown said...

OMG! lol... radioactive dirt! Im so horrified I don't even know what to say...

As to the jewerly, my mom so had something similar :)

happy vintage thursday!

Unknown said...

My mom has a similar necklace and earrings, but no dangles off the necklace. We always wore it when we played princess!

Jocelyn said...

Beautiful jewelery.


viridian said...

Atomic test booklet??!?!?!? Did they take the test model to Nevada for exposure???
Sorry. it's so strange to watch today.

Debbie said...

Oh my goodness! Clean skin may be healthy skin but not for the model. I wonder if she ended up with cancer.
Fun jewelry. I have a similar set that belonged to my mom. I still remember watching her get dressed to go and thinking how glamorous she looked in the sparkly jewelry.

Coloradolady said...

Beautiful set of jewelry....this would be so in style still today...Happy VTT and have a great weekend.

Roslyn said...

I wonder if she glows in the dark! LOL, horrifying .

Roslyn said...

Love the crystal set but how on earth did they wear those miserable clips!Worse than corsets!

julieQ said...

Hmm, can you say platinum blonde? Wow! Strange what we did back then for beauty! And pretty dangerous!

Micki said...

That's a beautiful jewelry set, and isn't nice that you have something so nice that is your mom's.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Wow! Radioactive dust.

Your crystal set is so pretty. We like sparkly things!

Akanksha said...

Very beautiful set Miri. I would like to buy same for me. Can you share more information with me !
Vintage Brooches

panpan said...

I like it very much .crystal jewelry clear, like an innocent woman.