Sunday, December 6, 2009

Yo-yo quilt update and links to great vintage and antique quilts

I've been working on the yo-yo quilt and its grown! Its now twice the size it was-20 yo-yos by 20 yo-yos! For a lap quilt, I'm thinking I need about 28 yo-yos by 35 yo-yos so there's still a ways to go.
Thought I'd share some great sites for seeing antique and vintage quilts that I've found about recently.

Here's a wonderful place to see lots of Amish Quilts on line-the Indiana Museum collection. Thanks to Pepper Cory for this link that I'm just passing on!

The Quilt Index has now added a whole new section on Signature Quilts. These are sorted by period so you can just pick and choose the when of these wonderful quilts that you want to visit!
We saw some wonderful Signature Quilts two years ago when we were in Pennsylvania at the West Chester Historical Society. Signature quilts were very popular with church groups, both as fundraisers (you paid say $1 and had your name inked or embroidered onto the quilt) and as gifts to departing ministers. It was great to see these quilts as they are not your usual museum fare but more like the kind of quilts we all make...generally Historical Societies are great places to see the material comforts of long ago and not-so-long ago everyday life.

Here's another place to view vintage quilts:
and read some articles about them by quilt historians.
You can read some fun short stories-written by quilters-here. They're all written as if they were written by long ago women and all have quilts!
Have fun getting totally awed and inspired.


Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Your yo-yo's are looking great! And thanks for the links. I'll have to take a look.

Debbie said...

Those yo-yo's look great together, Miri! Can't wait to see them in person.

Karen said...

That's a lot of yo-yo's!

yvon said...

What a lot of yoyo's. The look lovely together. Greetings from Holland