Monday, I went to the supermarked-why does it become a day long and then putting away. I complained to my husband that night that I'd done nothing all day! His answer: if you haven't sewn, you think you've done nothing! Too true! I usually go the supermarket once a month-is that making it better or worse?
Tuesday, I finally got back to the black and white log cabin quilt-cut the sashing and sewed the horizontal sashing to the blocks, pressed and laid the rows out of the bed in the guest room. Something didn't look right! I'd had 1 1/2" in my head as the cutting width and somehow that became the finished size and I'd cut the sashing 2" wide. That's what comes of not writing things down!

I finally decided yesterday-I picked and trimmed the sashes and now I'm back where I was on Tuesday!

This quilt is also a log cabin, its a medallion log cabin with this big wide pieced border. I had to pick out on this quilt too-its been in the closet so long that I realized I had no fabric left for the binding. The quilt top used to have a narrow outer border in the red fabric-so I took that off and I've put it away for the binding. I think I'll get a new free audio book from Librivox to listen to while I pin baste.
Ah books-I found a fun book challenge at Fractured Toys while visiting around seeing everyone's VTT goodies. Its the 2009 Support your Local Library Challenge and the idea is that you read 12, 25 or 50 books this year that you've borrowed from the library and you write and share a short book review on the challenge's blog.
Even though I live overseas, luckily and happily for me, our local library has a large collection of English books (as well as French and Russian collections besides the main Hebrew collection). I've decided to join-I'm choosing the 12 book option because any more and I'll never sew! This will be fun, though I'm a bit nervous about writing the reviews-its been years and years (okay decades really!) since I wrote a book report :)
The Local Library Challenge is being hosted by J. Kaye's Book Blog and she has several challenges going on-really one to suit just about every reader!
The Local Library Challenge is being hosted by J. Kaye's Book Blog and she has several challenges going on-really one to suit just about every reader!
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!
Miri, I so enjoy coming to your blog to see what you've done next. I love your quilts I love love love quilts but was never blessed with the talent to make them the way you are. All of your work is so beautiful.
It was fun stopping by to see what you have been up to lately. I enjoy seeing your quilts.
Love the black & white log cabin!
Miri, what fun to join the book challenge. Your quilts are so lovely. I've yet to make one large one. So Tel Aviv is 100, I would have thought it older.
I know I am very late for the party here. LOVE the quilt you are basting in your frame. You are right.. it is very similar to the one I just made.
And.. I am so glad to hear I am not the only one. It takes me an entired day to make my list, gather all the food and supplies at all the different stores, bring it all home then put it all away. and then usually there is nothing made for dinner that night.. and Mr Attic says.."but you just went shopping.. didn't you get anything to eat?"
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