Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wine, Wonder and Wurzberg

We broke our train trip from Munich to Hannover with a three hour stop in Wurzberg- for a luncheon meeting with one of Dan’s collegues and a quickie tour of the town! After a lovely lunch in a local restaurant ( I had a regional specialty-a soup called Leberknoedelsuppe) we made a mad dash through town to one of the special vinters of the local Franconian wine. The wine comes in a distinctive blue bottle and it is said that wine has been produced in this area for over 1000 years. (We’re taking the wine to friends in Hannover. ) You can see the vines have been cut back for winter.

We stopped off to view the famous staircase…isn’t it mystically dreamy!

And the fall colors! I am so enjoying being here to see the leaves change…its been years and I will probably continue to bore you all with photos of the leaf colors across Germany! :)

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Micki said...

Your trip to Germany looks perfect and I love the fall scenes.
Have fun!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

continue to enjoy your trip - you are collecting a lot of memories!

Lee D said...

the leaves in that area of Germany are gorgeous in the fall. Glad you are enjoying your trip. Wurzberg is close to the area my inlaws grew up in. have fun the rest of your trip

Bea said...

OOOOH HOW WONDERFUL! I must have missed that you were going away again. That staircase is absolutely wonderful. :)Bea

Eileen said...

Germany must be just a bit warmer than here.. our leaves have pretty much gone past their peak. But they are still stunning there! Thank you so much for taking us along on your trip.

Barb said...

That place looks breath taking....I hope you continue to have fun!!