And there you have it! Straight furrows! I hadn't even thought of this setting. Mind you, this is the child who grew up with a quilting Mom-seems something rubbed off!
One of things I like about this string quilt block is that you can use it with any log cabin/half square triangle setting...you just have to remember them all!
The top is all sewn together-great to get back into the sewing room-now it just needs to be quilted. I'm hoping to baste it up this week and get started.
Thanks everyone for your help!
what a great setting that is. I love the colors too.
Your son has a graphic eye! That setting looks great, and pretty masculine, too.
wow, your son has the eye....the all important eye....looks great!!
the playing is one of the best parts of the project. It looks great.
Gorgeous quilt...It turned out beautifully!
Well done! You have raised a great son who knows what looks best. I never even thought of suggesting yet another setting.
Your soon did great , I loved the way he choose to lay it ;-)
Straight furrows is my favorite too. (& if I ever make the blocks that will be my setting choice.)
Very nice! I really like the effect he came up with.
Guess you should have asked your son first! What a great look he came up with. Must have a quilt gene running through him.
I have help from my sweetie sometimes to choose which looks better. You son has an artistic eye for sure!
Love, love the colours so much
I like that setting too and since it was his quilt it is great he got to choose the setting he liked.
What a lovely, dramatic quilt! Lucky guy!
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