On this page, spring is truly in the air: there is a ladybug (the only ladybug transfer I've ever seen) a bee, a butterfly, a dragonfly (again a first for me) and a hummingbird!

Both of these partial pages are printed on very thin paper...most of my vintage 30's embroidery transfer collection is printed on heavier stock (think construction paper) . The paper is so thin that the ink has printed through to the back and there is a shadowy look to both sheets, especially the bottom one. I don't think this is from ironing because who would iron the whole sheet as it is? Click on the pictures for a better, bigger look.
While incomplete sheets, both are 8" wide-like a sheet of paper. All of this makes me wonder if these were free premiums...anyone have any ideas? I know free premiums were given out...could these be "freebies"?
I love the girl pattern. Not that I'm an expert on embroidery transfers or anything -- I just obsess -- but these don't look at all familiar to me. Thanks for sharing these, Miri! When I do my next post with links, I'm going to link to this entry. Thanks for enabling all of us pattern hoarders!
I really like the last pattern, the little boy and girl are just adorable.
Thanks for sharing
So neat!!! Do you think it could have been a surprise in a box of detergent or something? Who knows where some things started life...they are nice designs and should be created some day!
Those make me want to whip out my needle and embroidery hoop! But then I'd be adding to my collection of unfinished items......
You are so right, the little boy and girl are so cute! I like the patterns too, but I don't even embroidery...but I buy the patterns...I do think I have a problem. HaHa.
With all the embroidering I've done you would think I owned some vintage patterns, but no. Sorry, I can't help out on their origin. I love the birds and chickens. With such a good sampling maybe they were a magazine offer. I do have one from the 70's, an offer from Woman's Day and it is on tissue paper,
Oooh, these make me want to pick up my needle and stitch again! I actually started crewel embroidery in the early 70's, while I was still a "hippie". I remember it was a pillow cover from Avon with strawberries on it!
Very pretty transfers!
what adorable designs..i love your vintage transfers :)
Hey! When I discovered a rare 1945 Butterick transfer packet, with two sheets of never-used transfers, my love of vintage transfers began, leading to vintage transfers and vintage household cloth goods becoming the premise of my new book, The Kitchen Linens Book. I love looking at the transfers others have collected, and will visit here often! Please hop over to my website, www.apronmemories.com - there's time still to enter my FAB(not-a-contest) GIVEAWAY, with prize packages that include lots of goodies from Colonial Patterns Inc./Aunt Martha's Transfers!
Tie One On...an apron, of course!
Hi Miri..I love your transfer patterns,the boy,girl and the ladybug are my favorites. I have some patterns that have that shading..like it's picked up another transfer,but I don't know how it happens. I have some of the older ones on the thicker paper..and some on tissue...and just love them all. I'm a pattern hoarder..:).(is that the correct spelling?)
Sweet things makes me remember when I embroidered as a child.
blessings to all
Those are so much fun, and a reminder of some of my first efforts to embroider. Great find. Sally
Sounds as if they might have been premiums, Miri, either way you have another treasure!
I have to tell you I thought of you yesterday, went to buy fresh chives here in Phx.AZ, & they were grown in Israel, too funny!
I love vintage embroidery transfers. That boy and girl are so cute. I like the hen too.
Miri, no answer to where they might have come from...But I do know the bird above the cardinal is a finch and the other one looks like a mockingbird. I've just picked up embroidery again and am looking for some of those vintage transfers. Am jealous that you have a bee transfer. =)
oooh those patterns are very pretty :-)
The transfer patterns are lovely! I think that you will get a lot of use out of them.
Thanks for sharing!
I love your transfers. I don't know why, but I kind of collect these too. I need to sit down long enough to use them. Some of mine look to be quite old, some are in the pkgs they were mailed to them from workbasket and the newspapers. I love the days of the week ones, I'd like to make some of these when I get a chance. Thanks for sharing.
I do have some of those transers that have bled through too. but I don't really know anything about their origin.. just that I love them! So i am always picking them up when I see some.
Have you ever actually used any of yours?
These transfer patterns take me back to my childhood. My mother used to sew and embroider and always had some of these sheets about in her sewing room.
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