Anyone remember
Millenium Quilts? In 1999, there was quite a buzz about making quilts to take note of the turn to not just a new century but a new
millenium. Now there were quite a few possibilities for these quilts: quilts from your stash of (obviously) 20
th century fabrics, quilts with 2000 pieces,and charm quilts using special collections that fabric manufacturers made available with new fabrics for 1999.
I decided I would make a yo-yo quilt using my stash...after all, I had been quilting already for 10 years and thought it would be nice to have a quilt using all the fabrics in my closet (even ones I'd never yet cut into!) I made a circle template, cut off about 4 1/2" from each piece of fabric and marked the circles, marked circles on larger pieces from my scrap drawer and voila!
You saw in my last post my pile of cut's a stack of only marked circles!

Here's a bag of sewn yo-

And here is my effort so far for my
Millenium Quilt! 20 rows with 10 yo-
yos in a row! :)

I think I had better get working on this! I'm thinking of a
pre-New Year's Resolution: finish this before 2010! Think I can make it??? I'm not sure but I'm going to give it a try.
What's your longest UFO?
LOL I still think I have some fabric around that has 2000 printed on it.
I went through my stack of UFOs a while back and decided if I still liked it I would finish it. If not I donated it to the local Charity shop. There are a lot of reasons why I don't finish a project. Not that it happens that often but when it does something has usually changed. I no longer beat myself up about those pesky UFOs I just donate them.
They will end up being a treasure and real find for somebody or not.
The process of actually working on it is what was important. Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)Bea
i have some christmas tree wall hangings that have sat untouched for years. I thought that why make one when I can make 7 at the same time. I have finished 2 and the rest languish. If I had finished one each year I would have been done years ago.
Miri, that is so pretty! My grandmother had two pillows in her sunroom - one lavender and one pink both covered with yo-yo's. They were a bright spot. Your quilt will be, too!
So Pretty Miri...I love them.
I have an embroidered and appliqued rose and lavendar swag, that only needs a border and binding...about 6 yrs will be my New Years resolution to finish it!
Making yo-yo's are not my favorite thing to do but I sure like what can be made with them. I just made some yo-yo's for a little Christmas decoration. The circles were large so I turned the edge under using the sewing machine. Then I used needle and thread to gather them by hand. Went faster that way.
Oh Miri I swear I will never make anything yoyo, I do not have the patience, but yours is looking good!
I am working on clearing up every last UFo before year's end, think I can??
what a challenge: I commend you for the patience and skill required for this task!!! great blog.
Yes, I remember the millenium quilts. I still have the parts to one in a box in my closet. Oops! You are very, very brave to attempt a yo-yo quilt! But it will be amazing when it is finished.
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