Exciting news-I'm a Grandmother. These two little baby girls were born last night to my son Eli and his wife Tali. Tali's doing fine. The girls weight 5 lbs. 7 oz. and 5 lbs. 5 oz.

These are our first grandchildren. We have to wait a bit to see them-they're in Boston. and here's more exciting news-we're going to be the nannies! So in May we're moving to Boston for the year. (Know anyone who would like to rent a nice, completely furnished house on the shores of the Sea of Galilee?)
I think I want to be called Nana...I asked DH what he wanted to be called-his answer, "Dan". LOL!
Mazel tov! I am so happy for you! Lots of good wishes to your family!
As for your house at the Kinneret, my daughter's boyfriend lives there in the area. I could ask if anybody is looking for a space to rent.
Congratulations! It must be exciting, both being a Nana and moving across the Ocean for a year. My best wishes to everyone!
DH and I became grandparents for the first time a few weeks ago; it's wonderful.
Oh, congratulations!! What sweet sweet precious babies! I know you are beaming with pride!!
Oh, that house sound very tempting....if only I could escape for a year!!!
Great you are going to be here for a year!! Most important is being a "super nanny" for those sweeties!! Congratulations again and best wishes for the new parents too!!
That is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo exciting.....Congrats...
congratulations on your two bundles of joy! it is very nice that you will get to help take care of the babies for the first year of their life - this will be quite a change living in the states again after being in Israel for such awhile now won't it.
Congratulations, Nana! And twice the fun too! Glad everyone is doing well.
Congratulations and congratulations for their grandchildren so cute. Congratulations to the parents and good luck to children born good fortune and much happiness for them
Congratulations Grandma.
Many kisses from Spain
Congratulations, Miri! They're adorable. I like Nana too.
Hi!!! Congrats!!! Let me say you are in for the time of your life!!! Being a grand parent is so wonderful!!!! I have two but not at the same time!!! Just seeing their little faces lights up my life!!! hugs
Mazel tov, Miri! I am so happy for you. Nana is the perfect name, that's the one I would choose for myself. You are just going to be all pink goodness around here :-))
Oh, Miri, congratulations! And how exciting that you will be right there to see so many of those first milestones. That is just wonderful. So happy for you!
Congrats to you all! They are adorable!
Oh Miri, how adorable...so precious!
Congratulations...twin girls double the love and pride..
Julia ♥
word verification was "Bless'
oooh! congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you...and you get to be nannies?? How wonderful!
Mazel Tov, Miri! Welcome to the club!
Congratulations and 'Best Wishes' to the new parents! It sounds like you are going to have a great adventure getting to know those precious babies!
Mazal tov. Ir's a whole other world of exceptional joy so enjoy.
mazel tov - a double blessing :-)
Sharon (mother of twins - girl and boy)
mazel tov! what beautiful babies--
Congratulations!! :o)
They are beautiful.
Sincerely, Trish
Ohhh , happy news!! Congratulation Miri ;-) This must be a wonderful times for you and your husband. Take care !!
I'm so sorry I missed this when it happened but congratulations on the grandbabies!
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