Thursday, December 11, 2008

Vintage Thursday Thingie: Vintage Jewelry

This is a 1950's crystal necklace and clip-on earrings set that my mother gave me. I was going to a family wedding in the 1980's and when I showed her my dress (strapless with a full skirt) she said " I have the perfect jewelry". I haven't had an occassion to wear them since! I take them out and try them on but they never go :(

This is a pearl choker that I also got from my mother. I love this necklace- if they aren't "real pearls"-what's that thing about biting them-then they must be Bakelite! :) I get much more use out this necklace than the crystal-when I wear them DH calls me Marion the Librarian but personally I think they're more June Cleaver!

I love vintage jewelry-when I wear it I feel like I am experiencing something from another age. For example, I can tell you that those clip-on earrings really hurt, so now I understand why in 1940s movies, women were always taking their earrings off to talk on the phone-any momentary relief was welcome!

There are lots more VTT treasures to see at Coloradolady.


Anonymous said...

Oh that crystal set is really pretty! Won't the necklace go with a v-neck sweater? I would wear them together, but then I don't have any problem with wearing my good jewelry every day! lol.

The pearl necklace is pretty too. Drag them across the front of your teeth, if they feel gritty then they are real pearls. You'll know it when you do it, there won't be any question in your mind.

^..^Corgidogmama said...

How pretty! I hope that you are given a twin set from Sant to wear these with.

Susan said...

I am a pearl girl...lovely choker you have. The crystal necklace and earrings are beautiful. You should display them; how stunning they would be in a glass box on a dresser top.

Anonymous said...

My mom had earrings just like those! I remember digging in her jewelry, was so fun.
You are so right about those clip on's pinching the ears!

Kathy b

Cheryl Lage said...

Ooooh, Miri! I think you need to come up with an occasion (and maybe an outfit) so you can wear that top set. GORGEOUS! And the pearls are MUCH more June Cleaver (who was quite a fashion plate, if you ask me) than Marion the librarian!

Happy, Happy Holidays!


Beautiful pieces. Thank you so much for sharing them!

Coloradolady said...

What beautiful vintage treasures. I love the pearls, but the crystal set screams Christmas to me!
I think they would look super with a black velvet dress....but hey, where would I go to wear something like that? They are both very pretty.
Have a great week.

CC said...

Such lovely jewelry.. Happy VTT and have a great day.

Anonymous said...

I love the old vintage jewelry too. I remember all the old tv shows where the women always had on jewelry.

Aimz said...

ooh I love your jewels! Bakelite is hard to come by.

Patty said...

I love the pearls! I might need to dig out some vintage jewelry for next week.


Lovely jewelry! It is unusual to see
inexpensive pearls knotted between
each pearl like yours. Your pearls
are probably real or a very good copy.

Jacqueline said...

I have two necklaces that are so similar to these! One from my dear old Aunty Win (crystals) and some pearls (not real either) from my Mum. I love them both but have never worn either. My niece is a bit of a glamour-puss so I think she will inherit them.

Neabear said...

What pretty jewelry you have! You should wear them more often!